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After a distinguished four-year career on New Zealand’s shop shelves, Gerry’s Wonder Wrap is going into retirement — with the last packs selling like hot cakes.
The Wonder Wrap was Gerry’s Wraps’ first product, conceived seven years ago by owners Gerald Barrett and Lance McCarthy. The bakers had previously worked together in a commercial bakery and decided to leave their jobs to follow their dream of making a healthy bread alternative.
Seven years ago there was a limited range of healthy bread alternatives available, but after much research, and formulating different recipes, they decided on the Wonder Wrap recipe using rice and Chia.
“No one else was using Chia at that stage with a wrap. We’d been slowly following trends of other countries and could see that Chia had some great health benefits,” says Gerry.
Christchurch’s earthquakes halted Gerry’s Wraps’ progress, but three years after conceiving the Wonder Wrap, they made their first batch to give to retailers to try.
“The first shop we took it to was Pak n’ Save in Riccarton. Luckily they liked it, so we began selling it to other shops in Christchurch. We used to make it in the morning and deliver it in the afternoon.”
Wonder Wrap was the first in Gerry’s Wraps line of healthy bread alternatives, quickly followed by the gluten-free Go No Gluten Wrap and the Go Low Carb Wrap – New Zealand’s lowest-carb wrap.
The Gerry’s Wraps’ family continues growing: Last year it welcomed Corn Star Versatile Mini Wrap to its gluten-free range; and became New Zealand’s distributor for Mountain Bread — adding six Mountain Bread wraps to its shelves.
Gerry and Lance are now concentrating on developing and launching their new product soon: “We’re always on the look out for healthy products we think our customers will love.”
Hear first about Gerry’s Wraps’ new product by joining Gerry’s Wraps’ Mailing List.
Buy Wonder Wrap in Gerry’s Shop